My brother, chase, works for a hotel by Disneyland so a lot of people will have extra tickets that they didnt get to use and will give them to him as his tip (yah hes just that amazing, that people tip him so well) anywho... this time he had Sea World tickets and graciously gave them to kelly and i to take miss Emma! Saying she loved it would be an understatement... im not sure there is anything that realy scares this girl, and that scares me!

Emma slept the WHOLE way! So wehn she woke up as we were pulling in, she was a happy camper!

She called every animal a kitty! haha

this thing was easily 800 times her ssize and she LOVED it!

DOnt mind my
Kimmora Lee Simmons neck

SharrrrkkkK! Cool glass tunnell that sharks swim everywhere! Its nuts!

Bat Rays! Who knew that the y were so SOFT! Emma LOVED Them! Im sure if we threw her in that little pond she would have been happier! The crazier and bigger they got, the happier she was!

Classic Shamu!!

Huge horses, yes they have a name and no i dont know how to spell that name so you will just have to judge me! Emma was smaller than his head, seriously horses should never be that big!

This baby gets SLAP happy when shes tired!

Watching the Pets Show!!!

sillly little pig.

Emma deserved a toy! SHe loves shamu!

Emmas favorite game, hanging things over and then dropping them!

She passed out!

We went to the beach and met up with steve and mikey to have dinner, emma thinks kelly is HILARIOUS!
Random sidenote.... Emma is acting more and more like me, which scares me half to death! I use to sleep with my butt in the air.. seriously SO comfy! Well i went in to check on Miss Emma right now.... and well.. check the pic.,,,,
Love it. I love Chase-just fyi.
i love that baby!!! Ha ha ha ha that was a good day at sea world!! thank u chaser!!
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