Emmas favorite thing to do lately....
Our first black eye. Now that emma is walking i guess i should get use to her getting hurt. But, so far this one is the worst! She fell and hit her cheek on her toy chest!
First swim day!!! Its finally warming up enough to swim!!!
The girls and their lil pool, yah this lasted like 5 minutes until they wanted to get in with the big kids.
Look how excited she is to go swimmin...hahaha
ANother first.. you should probably feel lucky...
FIrst pig tails!!!! How flippin cute is this?! She hates her hair messed with... so this took A LOT of work. My little girl is going to be such a tom boy!
Whitney, are you depriving Emma of food so she has to get it herself in the fridge?:>
She probably learned it from Kelly, like she learned the xbox thing! lol
i can not wait till i can put Oakley's hair in piggys!!!
so cute!!
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