Friday, June 12, 2009

Tutu, weddin, and nosey old ladies!

So my BFF for life (hillary in case you didnt know, and if you didnt know, you dont know me so get off my blog!) got Emma this amazingly cute tutu the other day... why you ask? just for fun...

Lately i cant tear this child away from Yo Gabba Gabba.... so she wouldnt look at the camera..

We went to a wedding last weekend.. sooo much fun! They were sealed in the San DIego Temple..adn let me tell you, in case you havent been, it is gorgeous!!!!!
anywho.. Emma wore the tutu to (ha) the wedding. It was an all day afair, they were sealed for time and all eternity (dont you just LOVE that?) at 2 down in san diego and the reception was at 6 in Temecula. We got to San Diego INCREDIBLY early.. yah we were there at 11am... so we played around for awhile.. then after the wedding we went straight to temecula for the reception and didnt get home until around 10, and Emma i think napped maybe once?.... So at the end of the reception...this is how i found her...
She is SO attached to pa-key and her dad lately... its quite cute...
told ya it was cute...

So anywaysss on more current events.. today i got to babysit my neice Ava and nephew Jack for a couple hours! It was seriously SO fun! The girls are too cute together.. i tried to get pictures but between them being so "busy" and my camera dieing and being full.. i only got one pic.. i know, i failed. But look how cute they are. They were playing on the back patio, and heard some noises out side... so both of them laid on their bellies and watched whomever was out there! haha Bunch of nosey old ladies already! I love it!
( and yes that is the diaper champ outside.. its airing out fro a few days..ha)
i also found them playin gpeek-a-boo, sharing snacks, sippie cups, and playing catch.. man my stupid camera i know! maybe next time!!!

1 comment:

Mikey said...

Ah, i miss emma, i miss Cali