Thursday, October 29, 2009


Ive noticed this year i'm learning the power of prayer! We've had our ups and downs financially. I recently got an evening job at a Halloween store. Theyve only given me a couple hours a week, and i have been so bummed about it because i thought it would help us out a ton! Well tonight i was crunching numbers and figuring out our budget for the next month, silently praying to myself that we somehow could make things work. Well not 30 minutes later i get a phone call from a random number, it was my schedule manager asking me to work 8 hours tomorrow, and 8 hours on Saturday! I was a little bummed because its Emmas first "real" Halloween, but shes not going to trick-or-treat, she HATES masks and scary things. So after Kelly and i discussed it, (and i made my mom and sister tell me i'm not a bad mom) i called my manager back and said i was available! I know its not very many hours, but it is a lot more than what i was originally getting! My prayer was answered! and my testimony grew that much more!


Heather Strong said...

Being a working mom is SO not ideal - and I struggle with it oftentimes, too. But, sometimes it is just what we have to do in order to help out our husbands and establish our families. So don't feel bad about Emma - it'll prob be harder on you than on her (to be away for a little while) but who knows, maybe you'll really enjoy the 'adult time'! I am so glad that everything worked out!

Alex, Chelsea, and Tessa said...

You're all growned up with a job! I'm so proud! And you are not a bad mom-its good to get away for a little bit. Keeps the love strong. Sometimes I just hide from Tessa for a few hours so she'll appreciate me more...and it works!

Kidding. I don't hide for hours. Just minutes.