Sunday, November 1, 2009


Emma was a ladybug! We went trick-or-treating in the morning to Nana and Grammys house. I had to work12-830, bummer, but the exxxxtra cash is needed! anywho! heres a couple pics, because lets be honest thats all you want..


Jen Rose said...

I cannot believe she is 18 months either!! And, she sure is a cute little ladybug! Hope to see you guys soon!

Unknown said...

She is so cute, I hope you guys make it down in Dec.

Alex, Chelsea, and Tessa said...

She's so cute. I almost love her more than my own child!!

Heather Strong said...

Her piggy tails are so cute! I love them! It is weird to see you out trick or treating in short sleeves. I was wearing my winter coat, gloves, and beanie and I was freezing so we didn't stay out too long. Oh the life in Southern Calif. Tell the beach hi for me.