Wednesday, January 6, 2010


i hate tmobile. more than i can ever explain in words. first my sidekick was destroyed they "lost" all my informattion. ALL of it. I cried. And for weeks had a phone that was basically useless, yet still had to pay for it? odd i know..

Money is tight, as always. So me being the good wifey i am, decided to rid my sidekick ( it wasn't very dependable anywho) and get a regular old school phone. I call Tmobile.. get rid of my sidekick plan and keep my Unlimited Loyalty plan. Loyalty as in, ive been with tmobile for WAY to many years. Well im reassured by bith the Tmobile rep at the store, and the lady on the phone that yes everything is the same and i am covered.

I check my  bill before i go to bed, actually in bed... and it says $399. No thats not a typo.. thats THREE HUNDRED NINTY NINE DOLLARS. Why? oh yeah because the decided halfway through the month that the UNLIMITED everything LOYALTY plan, doesnt cover EVERYTHING, such as TEXTING!!!!

I text, a lot. i probably need a 12 step program, or rehab. And tmobile knows this, they love me for this. WHY THE HELL WOULDNT THEY TELL ME OR OFFER ME A TEXT MESSAGING PLAN!!!!!

If you think im going to pay this bill, youve lost your mind. Ill blog about my great adventures with Tmbile. I feel sorry for the poor girl/guy that answers in the billing department tomorrow....... UGH!!!!!!!


Alex, Chelsea, and Tessa said...

Oh wow. That really, really sucks. You should've texted me to tell me about it! (just kidding!) I hate T-Mobile too. Stupid phone company!

The Shaws said...

I blame your brothers for this. Att&t sucks too! They're all a bunch of Nazis!

The Shaws said...

I blame your brothers for this. Att&t sucks too! They're all a bunch of Nazis!

Malerie said...

oh i hate things like that!!!