Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beachin day with the D Team!

So my sister and her family have a spot where they love to go camping. they went yesterday so Emma and i went down with the to check it out! we had SO much fun! THANK YOU DOWNS FAMILY!

So i didnt start taking pictures until late in the day, cause well i just didnt think of it. But i still got some cute pictures!

Devin got a baby crab. it was creepy and cute all at the same time.


these two played on the rocks for awhile. they kind of made up their own obstacle course, it was really cute.

My sisters kids could play at the beach for days and never get bored! They are SO cute! and SO much fun!

How cute is this picture?! Owen and Ava. He kept trying to dig to China....

These girls! SO cute! We found out miss ava is afraid of heights. these steps were HUGE and she would stop dead in her tracks as soon as she could see through the wood.. it was cute and sad mostly cute...

Then we went back to their camp and had S'Mores! Emma just ate the marshmellows, and had a 'stache for awhile, and then the mood began to go down hill, this was about 6pm... and 7pm emma is a total mess.. so we were gettin there!!

We tried to catch the sunset, but we were a little late....

All in all, it was SUCH a fun day! Emma LOVES the beach!!! Which makes it that much more fun!
Thanks again D Team!!! We love you guys!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So jealous right now. :(